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V6-VIVID-S 单SS黄金标准音频运算放大器
- 单回路
- 量身定制的分立设计可实现最佳音频性能
- 标准 DIP8 封装,易于安装
- 低功耗
- 优于典型 I2C 运算放大器的音频性能
- 低开环失真、低噪声、低漂移和低失调
- 反向电压保护
电路数 Number of Circuits | 1 |
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | ±3.5V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | ±16.5V |
输入失调电压 Input Offset Voltage | 3mV |
输入失调电流 Input Offset Current | 2nA |
输入偏置电流 Input Bias Current | 3nA |
电源电流 Supply Current | 7mA |
增益带宽积 Gain Bandwidth product | 50MHz |
压摆率 Slew Rate | 45V/μs |
噪音 Noise |
V6 Vivid 和 V6 Classic 运算放大器是超过 12 年的研究和六代设计的结果,是博雅有史以来最精致的运算放大器。
V6生动 是一个动态的,透明的运算放大器,在每一级上V5提高,与可以再现的声音到最好的细节令人印象深刻的动态范围。
V6经典 运算放大器从其V5前身进一步偏离时,具有完全不同的输出级的设计提供了一种更亲密的声音与更丰富的色彩和纹理。
The result of over 12 years of research and six generations of designs, the V6 Vivid and V6 Classic op-amps are the most refined Burson has ever created.
The V6 Vivid is a dynamic, transparent op-amp that improves on the V5 at every level, with impressive dynamic range that can reproduce a sound to the finest detail.
The V6 Classic op-amp deviates further from its V5 predecessor, with an entirely different output stage design that provides a more intimate sound with richer colour and texture.