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THAT5173N24-U3CS 数字前置放大器控制器
- 宽增益范围 (60dB)
- 从 0dB 到 +60dB 的 3dB 步长
- 处理完整的专业音频级别
- +27dBu 最大输入和输出,±17V 电源
- 集成伺服和零交叉检测器可最大限度地减少直流偏移和拉链噪声
总增益范围 Total Gain Range | 60dB |
标注1 Note 1 | 0 to 60dB |
步长 Step Size | 3dB |
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | ±4.75V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | ±17V |
电源电流 Supply Current | 7.6mA |
数字电源电压 Digital Supply Voltage | nominal3.3V |
数字电源电流 Digital Supply Current | 0.002mA |
最大信号输入 Maximum Signal In | 27dBu |
最大信号输出 Maximum Signal Out | 27dBu |
增益范围误差 Gain Range Error | ±0.2dB |
THAT5173 是用于低噪声、模拟、差分、电流反馈音频前置放大器(例如 THAT 1570 和 1583)的数字增益控制器。当与适当的模拟增益模块结合使用时,5173 支持从 0dB 到 60dB 的数字控制增益以 3dB 为步长,同时保持低噪声和失真。它在 + 5V 至 + 17V 模拟电源范围内工作,支持高达+27 dBu 的输入信号电平(在0dB 增益和 + 17V 电源下)与没有输入焊盘的1570/1583 结合使用。5173 包括一个差分伺服和过零检测器,以在增益调整期间最大限度地减少直流偏移和毛刺(拉链噪声)。
5173 通过工业标准串行外设接口 (SPI) 端口进行控制。通过该接口可以控制四个通用输出 (GPO)。GPO 可用于控制辅助功能,例如输入选择器、滤波器、静音、LED、继电器等。
5173 旨在与 THAT 1570 或 1583 差分音频前置放大器 IC 完美搭配。1570/5173 或 1583/5173 组合一起为数字可控音频前置放大器应用提供高性能解决方案。然而,5173 也可用于控制离散前置放大器。
The THAT5173 is a digital gain controller for low-noise, analog, differential, current-feedback audio preamplifiers such as the THAT 1570 and 1583. When used in conjunction with an appropriate analog gain block, the 5173 supports digitally control gain from 0dB to 60dB in 3dB steps, while preserving low noise and distortion. It operates from +5V to +17V analog supplies, supporting input signal levels as high as +27 dBu (at 0dB gain and +17V supplies) in combination with the 1570/1583 without an input pad. The 5173 includes a differential servo and zero-crossing detector to minimize dc offsets and glitches (zipper noise) during gain adjustments.
The 5173 is controlled via an industry standard serial-peripheral interface (SPI) port. Four General Purpose Outputs (GPOs) can be controlled via this interface. The GPOs may be used to control auxillary functions such as input selectors, filters, mutes, LEDs, relays, etc.
The 5173 was designed to mate perfectly with the THAT 1570 or 1583 Differential Audio Preamplifier ICs. Together, the 1570/5173 or 1583/5173 combination provides a high performance solution for digitally-controllable audio preamplifier applications. However, the 5173 may also be used to control a discrete preamplifier.