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- 模拟开关 Analog Switch
- 音频放大器 Audio Amplifiers
- 音频转换器 Audio Converters
- 音频开关 Audio Switch
- D类放大器 Class D Amplifiers
- 比较器 Comparators
- 数字信号处理器 Digital Signal Processors (DSP)
- 麦克风增益控制器 Microphone Gain Controllers
- LED驱动器 LED Drivers
- 线路驱动器 Line Driver
- 平衡线路接收器 Balanced Line Receivers
- MEMS麦克风 MEMS Microphones
- 麦克风前置放大器 Microphone Pre-amplifiers
- 运算放大器 Operational Amplifiers
- 石英振荡器驱动器 Quartz Oscillator Drivers
- 压电驱动器 Piezo Drivers
- 通讯 Telephony
- 压控放大器 Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCA)
- 音量控制 Volume Control
- 晶振IC Crystal Oscillator IC's
- 传感器 Sensor Signal Interface
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THAT2180DEMO THAT2180演示开发板
- 允许即时产品评估
- THAT2180 系列的 SIP 插座
- XLR 输入和输出连接器
- 选择板载或外部控制电压源
- 宽敞的原型制作区
- 完整的文档包
这种独立的电路板简化了对 THAT2180 系列 VCA 性能的评估。
它具有简单的信号路径,包括差分输入缓冲器、VCA 和 VCA 的输出电流-电压转换器。增益控制电压在板上提供,但也可以从外部提供。
需要外部电源 (+/- 15V)。
该板完全组装、测试,并提供用于信号输入、信号输出和外部控制电压输入的 XLR 连接器。提供了一个插座,用于插入 2180 系列中的任何一个。
电源连接通过 3 针、0.1 英寸间距连接器进行。
This self-contained circuit board simplifies evaluation of the performance of the THAT2180 series of VCAs.
It features a simple signal path consisting of a differential input buffer,the VCA,and the VCA's output current-to-voltage converter. Gain control voltage is supplied on board but may also be supplied externally.
An external power supply is required (+/- 15V).
The board comes completely assembled,tested,and supplied with XLR connectors for signal input,signal output,and external control voltage input. A socket is provided for inserting any one of the 2180 series.
Power supply connections are made via a 3 pin, 0.1 inch pitch connector.
To facilitate prototyping, spare circuit board area is perforated, with adjacent pairs of plated-through holes interconnected.