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THAT1606Q16-U OutSmarts®平衡线路驱动器(SM Pack)
- 平衡的、类似变压器的浮动输出
- OutSmarts 技术改善了对单端负载的削波
- 稳定驱动长电缆和容性负载
- 高输出:18Vrms 到 600Ω
- 低噪音:-101 dBu
- 低失真:0.0007% @ 1kHz
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | ±4V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | ±18V |
电源电流 Supply Current | 4.9mA |
总谐波失真加噪声 THD plus Noise | 0.0007% |
压摆率 Slew Rate | 15V/μs |
增益 Gain | 6dB |
输出噪声 Output Noise | -101dBu |
输出阻抗 Output Impedance | 50Ω |
电源抑制 Power Supply Rejection | 107dB |
THAT 1606 是新一代音频差分线路驱动器,其性能优于传统的交叉耦合单片设计。
此外,它还采用获得专利的 OutSmarts™ 技术,这是一种双反馈回路设计,可防止在切入单端负载时出现交叉耦合输出级典型的过大接地电流。
在需要最少部件数量的情况下,THAT 1606 仅需要单个薄膜或陶瓷电容器即可实现低共模输出偏移电压,从而进一步改进了现有设计。
The THAT 1606 is a new generation of audio differential line drivers with improved performance over conventional cross-coupled monolithic designs.
It exhibits low noise and distortion, high slew rate, stability under difficult loads, wide output swing, and has outputs which are short-circuit protected.
In addition it incorporates patented OutSmarts™ technology, a dual feedback-loop design that prevents the excessive ground currents typical of cross-coupled output stages when clipping into single-ended loads.
Where minimum parts count is desired, the THAT 1606 further improves over existing designs by requiring only a single film or ceramic capacitor to achieve low common-mode output offset voltage.