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- 音频开关 Audio Switch
- D类放大器 Class D Amplifiers
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- MEMS麦克风 MEMS Microphones
- 麦克风前置放大器 Microphone Pre-amplifiers
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- 石英振荡器驱动器 Quartz Oscillator Drivers
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SAM5000-SDK 声音开发板套件
- SAM5000系列声音开发板
- 电路板硬件包括 1 个音频 DAC AKM AK4396(120dB DR,-100dB THD+N)
- 以太网口
- 声音存储在 256MByte 板载 DDR-SDRAM 或 2GByte 板载 NAND Flash
- USB 总线供电,2 个 LED 指示电源和 USB 活动
5000-SDK 由音板硬件、DREAM Instrument Editor 和 Bank Compiler 软件组成,用于为所有类型的电子乐器(如钢琴、键盘、鼓等)开发一系列声音。
高品质音板基于 SAM5916。
声音存储在 256MB 的板载 DDR SDRAM 中,并通过 USB 高速端口下载。
该板由 USB 总线供电,带有指示电源和总线活动的 LED。
DREAM Instrument Editor 软件是将样本转换为乐器的工具,这些乐器将被编译以生成音库。它使用 DREAM XDI 乐器格式(带有 94i 和 98i 文件的导入旧版)并支持所有当前的 Dream 目标 ics 并适应它们的特定功能。
特定于用户所选 IC 的开发套件还必须与 5000-SDK 一起使用。
The 5000-SDK consists of sound board hardware, DREAM Instrument Editor and Bank Compiler software and is used to develope a range of sounds for all types of electronic instruments such as pianos,keyboards, drums etc.
The high quality sound board is based on the SAM5916.
Sounds are stored in 256Mbyte on-board DDR SDRAM and are downloaded via a USB high-speed port.
The board is USB bus powered with leds indicating power and bus activity.
The DREAM Instrument Editor software is the tool for turning samples into instruments, which will be compiled to produce a sound bank. It uses DREAM XDI instrument format (with import legacy for 94i and 98i files) and supports all current Dream target ics and adapts to their specific features.
A Development Kit specific to the users chosen IC must also be used with the 5000-SDK.