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P1786G-S08-R PWM降压转换器
- 输入电压:4.0V~23V
- 输出电压:0.8V~VCC
- 占空比:0% 至 100% PWM 控制
- 振荡频率:300KHz 典型值。
- 软启动、限流、使能功能
- 热关断功能
- 内置SW P沟道MOS
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | 4V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | 23V |
频率(最大) Frequency (max) | 360kHz |
静态电流 Quiescent Current | 0.09mA |
参考电压容差 Voltage Reference Tolerance | 1% |
驱动器类型 Drive Type | Internal PMOS |
UTC 的 P1786 由 3A 降压开关稳压器控制,其中包括参考电压源、振荡电路、误差放大器和内部 PMOS。
P1786 可以提供低纹波功率、高效率和出色的瞬态特性。
PWM 控制电路可以将占空比从 100 线性变化到 0%。
这些 IC 通过增加内部 P 沟道功率 MOS、线圈、电容器和外部连接的二极管,可以用作降压开关稳压器。
UTC's P1786 consists of 3A step-down switching regulator control which includes a reference voltage source, oscillation circuit, error amplifier and internal PMOS.
The P1786 can provide low-ripple power, high efficiency, and excellent transient characteristics.
An enable function, an over current protect and short circuit protect function are built inside, so the operation frequency can be reduced from 300KHz to 30KHz when OCP or SCP occurs.
The PWM control circuit can vary the duty ratio linearly from 100 down to 0%.
This converter also includes an error amplifier circuit as well as a soft-start circuit that prevents overshoot at startup.
An internal compensation block is built in to reduce external component count.
These ICs can work as step-down switching regulators with the addition of an internal P-channel Power MOS, a coil, capacitors, and a diode connected externally.