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ORANGE-DD 双路分立运算放大器
- 低噪声 JFET 前端
电路数 Number of Circuits | 2 |
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | ±4.5V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | ±18V |
输入失调电压 Input Offset Voltage | 0.2mV |
输入失调电流 Input Offset Current | 100,000nA |
输入偏置电流 Input Bias Current | 190,000nA |
电源电流 Supply Current | 18mA |
增益带宽积 Gain Bandwidth product | 50MHz |
压摆率 Slew Rate | 52V/μs |
噪音 Noise |
Orange 的双离散运算放大器专为一个目的而设计:为音乐表演提供自然、干净的音频。专为符合行业标准 DIP 8 插座而设计,可用于当前运行 DIP-8 双运算放大器的任何 CD 播放器、DAC 或前置放大器
当用于几乎所有可以物理安装的音频设备时,整体声场和瞬态细节将得到极大改善。它具有非常低噪声的 Jfet 前端,因此如果需要,它可以在 1M 欧姆以上的输入阻抗下运行。
该运算放大器已作为以下部件的替代品进行测试,前提是使用它的设备具有 22 毫米的高度间隙和 5 毫米的侧间隙(每侧):
OPA2604 | OPA2134 | TL072 | NE5532 | LM4562 | OP275 | OP285
请检查 PSU 是否可以提供所需的额外电流,尤其是在更换多个现有 IC 运算放大器时。
橙色双分立运算放大器具有稳定的单位增益。在添加增益(反相或非反相)的新设计中使用它时,只需要一个 15pf 的反馈环路旁路电容器即可完全稳定它。
Orange's Dual Discrete Op-Amp has been specifically designed for one purpose: natural, clean audio for musical performances. Designed to fit an industry standard DIP 8 socket, it can be used in any CD player, DAC, or preamplifier that currently runs DIP-8 dual op-amps
The overall soundstage and transient detail will be greatly improved when used in pretty much all audio equipment that it can physically be fitted to. It has a very low noise Jfet front end so it can run with input impedances above 1M Ohms if needed.
This op amp has been tested as a replacement for the following parts, provided the equipment it's being used in has 22mm of height clearance and 5mm side clearance (per side):
OPA2604 | OPA2134 | TL072 | NE5532 | LM4562 | OP275 | OP285
Please check that the PSU can supply the extra current needed, especially if replacing more than one existing IC op-amp.
The Orange Dual Discrete Op-Amp is unity gain stable. When using it in new designs where gain (inverting or non inverting) is being added, a feedback loop bypass capacitor of 15pf is all that's needed to completely stabilise it.