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NJW4119VP1-510A-TE1 USB充电器
- 输出电流 (2.4A)
- 输出电压校正功能(专利申请中)
- 外部同步功能
- 软启动功能
- 开/关控制
- 短路保护
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | 6.5V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | 40V |
频率(最大) Frequency (max) | 330kHz |
静态电流 Quiescent Current | 3mA |
参考电压容差 Voltage Reference Tolerance | 1% |
驱动器类型 Drive Type | Internal FET |
NJW4119 专为便携式设备的 USB 充电而设计,可提供 2.4 的保证。它具有电缆压降校正电路,可根据通过长电缆连接的终端设备的输出电流按比例校正输出电压。
The NJW4119 is designed for USB charging of portable equipment and can supply 2.4 guaranteed. It features a cable drop voltage correction circuit that corrects the output voltage in proportion to the output current at the terminal device connected through a long cable.
Additional functions include over current protection, thermal shutdown, soft start, and an error flag output with delay circuit and power good indicator.