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NJU6061V LED驱动器
- 控制 3 合 1 封装的 RGB LED
- 内置 PWM 亮度控制 16 步 x 3(内部 128 步 x 3)
- 内置8bit串行接口电路
- 级联连接
- 扫描操作功能
- 亮度校正
- 内置振荡电路
- 工作电压 1.7V 至 5.5V
- CMOS技术
段数 Number of Segments | 3 |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | 3.3V |
LED电流 LED Current | 30mA |
NJU6061 是一款全彩 LED 控制器驱动器。
它可以控制和驱动 3 合 1 封装(红色、绿色和蓝色)LED。
PWM 信号精确控制每个 RGB LED 的占空比,实现全方位的色彩控制。
扫描操作功能简化了 LED 亮度控制。
亮度校正功能模拟 LED 亮度的线性变化。
NJU6061 可以同时级联和控制。
The NJU6061 is a full color LED controller driver.
It can control and drive a 3 in 1 packaged (Red, Green and Blue) LED.
The NJU6061 contains PWM luminance (Pulse Width Modulation) control circuit , LED driving circuit and MPU interface.
The PWM signal controls the duty cycle of each RGB LED precisely, enabling a full range of colour control.
The Sweep Operation function simplifies the LED brightness control.
The Brightness Correction function simulates a linear change of LED brightness.
Low external component count.
The NJU6061 can be cascaded and controlled at the same time.