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NJM2901CG-TE2 低功耗四路比较器
- 集电极开路输出
电路数 Number of Circuits | 4 |
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | 2V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | 36V |
输入失调电压 Input Offset Voltage | 0.5mV |
输入失调电流 Input Offset Current | 0.5nA |
电源电流 Supply Current | 800mA |
响应时间 Response Time | 1,300ns |
电压增益(开环) Voltage Gain (open loop) | 106dB |
NJM2901 是一种表面贴装、低功耗四通道比较器器件,与内部补偿四通道运算放大器相比,它提供更高的工作频率和更快的开关速度。
对于单电源应用,Darlington PNP 输入级允许他们比较包括接地在内的电压。两级共发射极输出在 40mV 的输出电平下提供 6mA 的增益和输出吸收能力。
输出集电极保持开路,以允许驱动 2V 至 36V 范围内的设备。NJM2901 是一种表面贴装、低功耗四通道比较器器件,与内部补偿四通道运算放大器相比,它提供更高的工作频率和更快的开关速度。
The NJM2901 is a surface mount,low power quad comparator device that offers higher frequency operation and faster switching than can be achieved from internally compensated quad op-amps.
For single-supply applications, the Darlington PNP input stage allows them to compare voltages that include ground.The two-stage common-emitter output provides gain and output sink capacity of 6mA at an output level of 40mV.
The output collector is left open to allow the driving of devices in the range of 2V to 36V. The NJM2901 is a surface mount, low power quad comparator device that offers higher frequency operation and faster switching than can be achieved from internally compensated quad op-amps.