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NJM2068D 双高品质音频
- 低噪声
- 低失真
- 高转换率
电路数 Number of Circuits | 2 |
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | ±4V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | ±18V |
输入失调电压 Input Offset Voltage | 3mV |
输入失调电流 Input Offset Current | 5nA |
输入偏置电流 Input Bias Current | 150nA |
电源电流 Supply Current | 5mA |
增益带宽积 Gain Bandwidth product | 27MHz |
压摆率 Slew Rate | 6V/μs |
噪音 Noise | 0.44μV(VNI) *2 |
NJM2068 是一款表面贴装、高性能、低噪声双运算放大器。
该放大器还具有有保证的噪声性能,具有更高的增益带宽积和压摆率,远远超过 4558 型放大器。
特别设计的低噪声输入晶体管使 NJM2068 可用于极低噪声信号处理应用,如音频前置放大器和伺服误差放大器。
The NJM2068 is a surface mount,high performance,low noise dual operational amplifier.
The amplifier features popular pin-out, superior noise performance and low total harmonic distortion.
The amplifier also features guaranteed noise performance with a substantially higher gain bandwidth product and slew rate which far exceeds that of the 4558 type amplifier.
The specially designed low noise input transistors allow the NJM2068 to be used in very low noise signal processing applications such as audio pre-amplifiers and servo error amplifiers.