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NJM2060M 四路版4560
- 低噪声
- 高增益
- 宽带宽
- 高转换率
电路数 Number of Circuits | 4 |
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | ±4V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | ±18V |
输入失调电压 Input Offset Voltage | 6mV |
输入失调电流 Input Offset Current | 5nA |
输入偏置电流 Input Bias Current | 40nA |
电源电流 Supply Current | 9mA |
增益带宽积 Gain Bandwidth product | 10MHz |
压摆率 Slew Rate | 4V/μs |
噪音 Noise | 1.2μVrms(VNI) |
NJM2060 表面贴装集成电路是一种高增益、宽带宽、四路运算放大器,能够将 20V 峰峰值驱动到 400R 负载。
NJM2060 结合了 NJM2058 的许多特性,并提供更宽的带宽和更高的压摆率。
NJM2060 是有源滤波器、数据、电信和许多仪器应用的理想选择。
NJM2060 的每个放大器都具有与 NJM4560 的每个放大器相同的电气特性
The NJM2060 surface mount integrated circuit is a high-gain, wide bandwidth, quad operational amplifier capable of driving 20V peak-to-peak into 400R loads.
The NJM2060 combines many features of the NJM2058 as well as providing wider bandwidth and higher slew rate.
The NJM2060 is ideal for active filters, data, telecommunications and many instrumentation applications.
Each amplifier of the NJM2060 has the same electrical characteristic as each amplifier of the NJM4560.