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- 音量控制 Volume Control
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MUSES72320V-TE2 2通道电子音量控制
- 静音功能
- 0dB 至 -111.5dB,步长为 0.25dB
- 0dB 至 +31.5,步长为 0.5dB
- 过零检测
通道数 Number of Channels | 2 |
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | ±8.5V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | ±18V |
音量范围 Volume Range | -111.5 to +31.5 / 0.25dB steps |
输入选择器 Input Selector | ±18V pro-level input signal |
界面 Interface | 3-Wired Serial |
MUSES72320 是一款 2 通道电子音量控制器。其高度线性的音量控制结合低噪声和失真特性使其成为高端音频应用的绝佳选择。
该芯片的功能通过三线串行总线控制,可选的 8 芯片寻址意味着您可以在同一串行总线上使用多达 8 个芯片。
The MUSES72320 is a 2-channel electronic volume control. Its highly linear volume control combined with low noise and distortion characteristics make it an excellent choice for high-end audio applications.
The chip's functions are controlled via a three-wire serial bus and selectable 8-chip addressing means you can use up to eight chips on the same serial bus line.