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MAS6505 22位低功耗低噪声压阻式传感器信号接口IC
- 电源电压 1.71 V … 5.5 V
- ow 睡眠电流消耗 24 nA(典型值)
- 极低的工作电流 1.3 uA … 25 uA(典型值)
- 0.27 uVrms 的极低噪声模拟前端
- 比率ΔΣ A/D 转换
- A/D 转换时间 1.25 ms … 40 ms 典型值
- 传感器电阻范围 3 kOhm … 6 kOhm
- OSR 选择的七个分辨率选项
- 内部时钟振荡器
- 2 线串行数据接口(I2C 总线)
- 4 线和 3 线串行外设接口(SPI 总线)
- 512 位 EEPROM 存储器
MAS6505是专为压阻式传感器模块设计的高分辨率传感器信号接口IC。模拟前端 (AFE) 包括一个斩波放大器,其输入噪声低至 0.27uVrms。22 位模数转换器 (ADC) 采用具有高分辨率性能的 delta-sigma 转换技术。它可以在非常宽的电源电压范围 (1.71V…5.5V) 下运行,并且具有极低的电流消耗(低至 0.8uA,每秒测量一次),使其成为电池供电应用的理想解决方案。支持来自传感器电桥电阻或外部二极管的温度感测。512 位 EEPROM 存储器可用于在芯片上存储传感器微调和校准系数。该器件使用标准 I2C 和 SPI 串行总线接口进行操作。
MAS6505 is a high resolution sensor signal interface IC designed for piezoresistive sensor modules. Analog Front-End (AFE) comprises of a chopper amplifier having input noise down to 0.27uVrms. The 22-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) employs delta-sigma conversion technique with high resolution performance. It can operate from a very wide range of supply voltages (1.71V…5.5V) and it has extremely low current consumption (down to 0.8uA, one measurement in a second) which make it an ideal solution for battery powered applications. Temperature sensing either from sensor bridge resistance or external diode are both supported. 512-bit EEPROM memory is available for storing sensor trimming and calibration coefficients on chip. The device is operated using standard I2C and SPI serial bus interfaces.