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FXCORE 音频效果DSP数字信号处理器
- 16个核心寄存器
- 128 x 32 位 RAM 寄存器
- 4 个数字 SIN LFO,2 个斜坡 LFO
- 内置 16 个程序的 FLASH
- 用于FLASH编程的I2C接口
- 2个I2S接口
- 采样率可调,主从可选
- 6 个 12 位 POT 输入
- 5 个用户开关输入,1 个敲击速度输入
- 2 个用户输出
- 1 个启用/旁路开关输入
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | 3.6V |
效果数量 Number of Effects | 16 |
应用 Applications | Effects IC |
输入数量 Number of Inputs | 4 |
输出数量 Number of Outputs | 4 |
FXCORE 由具有传奇色彩的 SPN1001-FV1 效果 IC 的设计者之一 Frank Thomson 开发,是一款功能强大的音频 DSP,致力于为专业音频应用创建音频效果。
FXCore 带有 16 种预编程效果来展示零件的功能,然后可以用内部闪存中的多达 16 个自定义程序代替。由于还记录了寄存器预设值,因此不需要外部程序存储。通过 6 个电位计输入和 5 个开关输入,程序可以具有实时可变参数和选项,例如合唱深度或相量中的级数。集成的数字 LFO、斜坡和噪声发生器使设计人员能够轻松地对相量、镶边、合唱和其他效果进行编程。
Developed by Frank Thomson, one of the designers of the legendary SPN1001-FV1 effects IC, the FXCORE is a powerful Audio DSP dedicated to creating audio effects for professional audio applications.
It can operate as a standalone device when paired with an appropriate CODEC or form part of a more complex system where it locks to an external word and bit clock.
The FXCore comes complete with 16 pre-programmed effects to demonstrate the part’s capabilities, which can then be replaced by up to 16 customs programs in the internal flash memory. With register preset values also recorded, no external program storage is required. With 6 potentiometer inputs and 5 switch inputs, programs can have real time variable parameters and options such as chorus depth or number of stages in a phasor. Integrated digital LFOs, ramps and a noise generator allow designers to easily program phasors, flangers, chorus and other effects.
A development board is available.