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ECF20N20-S 金封MOSFET大功率音频功放对管
- 专为音频放大器应用而设计
- 高导热性
- 优异的频率特性
- 集成保护二极管
- 不受电流集中的影响,因此对电破坏具有很高的抵抗力。
- 本质上防止短路故障条件和热失控的温度特性。
- ECF20P20 的补充
类型 Type | Nch |
漏-源极电压 Drain Source Voltage | 200V |
漏极电流 Drain Current | 16A |
栅-源极电压 Gate-Source Voltage | ±14V |
功率 Power | 250W |
EXICON Mosfets 专为高功率线性应用而设计。
ECF20N20 是 BUZ900D、BUZ901D、ALF16N16K 或 ALF16N20K 的合适等效物、替代品或代替品。
S 版本已经过测试并根据如下所示的技术规格分级为色带,以确保紧密匹配。我们不能根据要求保证特定的色带,但订单将从相同的色带提供。如果您有特殊要求,请在订购前与我们联系。
EXICON Mosfets have been designed specifically for high power linear use.
They offer high voltage capability, high slew rate and low distortion, making them the ideal choice for audio amplifier design.
Freedom from secondary breakdown and thermal runaway make them extremely reliable and remove the need for protection circuitry.
These advantages together with wide bandwidth, low drive requirements, and ease of paralleling make it possible for the simple construction of robust amplifiers with excellent sonic characteristics.
The ECF20N20 is a suitable equivalent, replacement or substitute for the BUZ900D, BUZ901D, ALF16N16K or ALF16N20K.
The S version has been tested and graded into colour bands based on the technical spec shown below to ensure close matching. We cannot guarantee a specific colour band upon request but orders will be supplied from the same colour band. If you have a particular requirement, please contact us before ordering.