EB-TA0103 TA0103放大器评估开发板

  • TA0103 驱动器 IC 的轻松评估
  • 用于高功率单声道的桥接输出
  • 使用4个 N-Channel 功率 MOSFET
  • 短路保护


EB-TA0103 评估板基于 TA0103 数字音频功率放大器驱动芯片,旨在为评估其性能和功能提供一个简单直接的环境。

信号输出可用于连接任何 4 或 8 欧姆无源扬声器的插座。



The EB-TA0103 evaluation board is based on the TA0103 digital audio power amplifier driver chip and is designed to provide a simple and straightforward environment for the evaluating it's performance and functionality.

The board is self contained and only requires connection to dc supplies and a stereo signal source via the on-board connectors.
Signal outputs are available on sockets to which any 4 or 8 ohm passive speaker may be connected.

The board includes protection circuits and output filters.

Available until stocks are exhausted


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