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CABLEKIT-1200AS2 ICEpower1200AS2电缆套件
- 包括以下电缆:
- IPC-6150096-NA
- IPC-6277847-K
- IPC-6150097-NG
- IPC-6277693-G x 2
- IPC-6150094-ND
- IPC-6150095-NE
一套 7 根电缆,设计用于 ICEpower1200AS2。通过ICEpower认证,每个连接器都配有长达40厘米的引线,方便安装。有关电缆定位的进一步建议,请参阅相关模块数据表。
Set of 7 cables designed for use with the ICEpower1200AS2. Approved by ICEpower, each connecter is fitted with up to 40cm long lead wires for convenient installation. For further advice on cable positioning, please consult the relevant module datasheet.
See individual cable pages for specific details.