THAT Corporation 成立于 1989 年,一直为专业音频行业生产高性能、价格合理的集成电路。他们今天的产品组合包括提供一流技术的模拟和数字电路。

他们开发的关键技术包括麦克风前置放大器、模拟输入和输出级、压控放大器 (VCA)、真有效值电平检测器和高压音频开关。

Established in 1989, THAT Corporation have been producing high performance, affordable integrated circuits for the professional audio industry. Their product portfolio today includes both analog and digital circuits offering best in class technologies.

The key technologies they have developed include microphone pre-amps, analog input and output stages, Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCA), true RMS level detectors, and high voltage audio switches.

显示 17-32 个结果(共 64 个结果)